Friday, March 22, 2013

#np: Little Talks- Of Monsters and Men

My internal clock is all messed up. I've been sleeping at 5am and waking up at 5pm. Dinner time has become my breakfast and  have my Lunch+Dinner at around 2am in the morning.  I've spent the week leading a super relaxed lifestyle that comprises of an hour working out at the nearby park, visits to Thomson Plaza and long bonding sessions with my bed and handphone. I've been addicted to the SimsFreeplay as well recently XD

But starting next week, my schedule's gonna be a little bit busier, with frequent trips to the school gym and even more trips to the library to brush up on my Japanese. I intend to sleep during the Japanese lessons come April and just walk off with the cert. I mean, honestly, who would be able to survive 8 hours in school from 9 to 5 and then still be bright and bubbly for Jap class from 6 to 8? Not me, duh~ I'd prefer to simmer down during my evening, thank you very much~ 

Let's see, what else... oh right! I'm starting to get the hang of my macbook! It's becoming easier to handle now that I've been 'practising' on it for a week. It's pretty easy to use once you get a feel of it :)

And now: Pictures of the week~

Dad took the day off on Wednesday and took Grandma, Bro and I to the Orchard. While Grandma and Dad were busy grabbing soil for Grandma's new eggplant plantation, I uncovered a new marketing strategy set by the Orchard... Apparently, watering cans are the new flowers that people are going for...

One of Mum's colleagues has resigned and gave the company adorable cupcakes as a token of appreciation. Mum knows I love Cupcakes and so she brought these home for me! THANKS MUM!!!! XD 

It's tooo sweet to eat! But I did anyway XD

Apparently, I have successfully appealed to Totoro such that he is comfortable with me being around him. He was chilling on the couch next to me and didn't get startled like he normally would when I pet him. Good Job Lizzie!  Totoro's such a qt! It's a good thing that the March Holiday came. Bro spent a lot of time playing with him and he learnt how to carry Totoro correctly! Good Job Bro!!!

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