My insomnia....
But it's ok, I'm in a super good mood right now. Finally, after 2 long hours, I've tidied up what was once a pig sty of a bedroom! My bed's so perfect that I don't even wanna lay a finger on it! My movie posters are up on my wall neatly and best of all, my desk is clean and my paperwork is properly sorted out! And I didn't even get a paper cut!!! *punches fists in air* BTW, I'm done with The World God Only Knows. Both season 1 and 2!! Hahaha, the endings for both seasons are just hilarious! Oh wait, the ending for season 2 was really really good. I mean, yes it was funny, but it was also meaningful and the moral was clear and relevant :)
Gosh, am I doing an Anime review? No, no, no... Can't let that happen or else I'll be writing a novel!
You know the feeling you get whenever you clean your room and all of a sudden, your Mum comes in and she tells you not to throw this and to keep that?
Don't lie, I know everyone has!
It's called "How About....NO"
Rule of thumb: Make a list of stuff you will not throw and slam it on your door so that everyone can see it. Better yet, highlight the fact that you will NEVER EVER EVER(Taylor Swift moment here) throw. And I do mean EVER.
To be honest, I don't have this such rule stuck on my door. I'd prefer my door to be 'empty' but this doesn't go without reason. The last thing I've ever hung on my door was a car plate-like thingy that had my 'name' on it ( It read 'eliSabeth but mine has a Z ) and I would always get slapped in the face by it every time I open the door. Maybe hanging nothing on the door should be my personal rule of thumb :/
Stupid car plate-thingy...
Urgh... I said that I don't even wanna lay a finger on my bed.....but I'm getting sleepy -____-'''