Thursday, March 28, 2013

#np: C'mon - Ke$ha

Oh look who's back? That's right!
My insomnia....

But it's ok, I'm in a super good mood right now. Finally, after 2 long hours, I've tidied up what was once a pig sty of a bedroom! My bed's so perfect that I don't even wanna lay a finger on it! My movie posters are up on my wall neatly and best of all, my desk is clean and my paperwork is properly sorted out! And I didn't even get a paper cut!!! *punches fists in air*  BTW, I'm done with The World God Only Knows. Both season 1 and 2!! Hahaha, the endings for both seasons are just hilarious! Oh wait, the ending for season 2 was really really good. I mean, yes it was funny, but it was also meaningful and the moral was clear and relevant :)

Gosh, am I doing an Anime review? No, no, no... Can't let that happen or else I'll be writing a novel!      

You know the feeling you get whenever you clean your room and all of a sudden, your Mum comes in and she tells you not to throw this and to keep that?

 Don't lie, I know everyone has!
 It's called "How About....NO"

Rule of thumb: Make a list of stuff you  will not throw and slam it on your door so that everyone can see it. Better yet, highlight the fact that you will NEVER EVER EVER(Taylor Swift moment here) throw. And I do mean EVER.

To be honest, I don't have this such rule stuck on my door. I'd prefer my door to be 'empty' but this doesn't go without reason. The last thing I've ever hung on my door was a car plate-like thingy that had my 'name' on it ( It read 'eliSabeth but mine has a Z ) and I would always get slapped in the face by it every time I open the door. Maybe hanging nothing on the door should be my personal rule of thumb :/

Stupid car plate-thingy...

Urgh... I said that I don't even wanna lay a finger on my bed.....but I'm getting sleepy -____-'''

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

#np:Route Kensakuchuu - The World God Only Knows OST_ 15

I'm back to my usual anime and manga routine. 3 hours of anime a day and 2 volumes of mangas before bed. XD I'm planning to finish 20 animes by the time school starts and round up the LOVE HINA manga series my uncle lent me.  Currently, I'm watching The World God Only knows and it's hilarious! The story seems so illogical that it actually makes some sense and it's completely different from the animes I've seen. The concepts and plot lines aren't super complicated like most animes ( particularly those mecha animes) I like this a lot! MEGA THUMBS UP!

Anyway, pics from last Saturday. Went to Agnes' place to celebrate her B'day with a BBQ party and an introduction to her petting zoo of a home Gosh, she's got dogs (The size of Muffin, my rabbit), rabbits that look like bigger Totoros, hamsters and fishes! As expected from a Veterinary and Bioengineering student! XD  The party was fun, with loads of yummy food (which threesome bought. We met up at the mall to shop for food before heading over to Agnes' place), loads of pictures taken and just a whole lot of FUN!!!!

This is one of Agnes' three adorable dog. She's called Ger-Ger. OMG this dog is so adorable! She would lick anybody's hands and she's so tiny. Her head's as small as a Table Tennis ball and her eyes are like the pearls in those GongCha bubble teas!!! Such a QT!!!!

And she's even got a little pony on the top of her head! XD

When she moves, she looks like a little wig shuffling around!

Priyangka's stopping her from licking Zac. Zac, apparently, isn't too keen about getting a few french kisses from Ger-Ger!

But in the end, he had to give in to her cute-ness!

Our professional chefs, Shaina and PeiShan.

Once again, Cute little Ger-Ger~

Making a scrapbook for Agnes's b'day present. With Love, Threesome~

Following that, I met up with Mum and Dad at Marina Bay Sands and we stayed to watch the water show Wonderfall, a fantastic show with loads of bright colours, images, bubbles, lasers, water(DUH) and music! Plus some fire~

All these right next to a wonderful view of the CBD...

Along the way to the car park, we came across a crowd watching a lit-up kite performance at an open space. We joined the crowd.

My Godmum whatsapped some pictures of Pepper. OMG isn't she's hilarious! She looks likes a hairless goat now but still super cuddly and sweet. Apparently the second picture was taken while she was asleep! O.O

Friday, March 22, 2013

#np: Love You Forever -Ryan Huston

Ok, it's official, I CAN'T FRIGGIN SLEEP... Apparently my insomnia is turned to the max and the off switch's broken. I've been killing time re-tidying my desk and organising my bookshelf.  Gosh, it sucks trying to move stuff without waking up the family. The whole time I've been biting my lip, praying silently that I don't drop anything ( I usually ALWAYS do tip something over, especially cups!! ) Now satisfied with my desk, I'm bored again -_-

So I decided to make a list of #np songs. During the 2 hours it took for me to clean my desk, I've been playing songs from my macbook and so I figured it would be interesting to scan back to find out what I've been listening to. To be honest, music becomes white noise to me when I'm cleaning. Not sure why but it just drowns out the usual noise I hear-like the annoying noise crickets make, the frustrating mating call of forever alone frogs, the low buzz of my ceiling fan blah blah blah- and I'm able to think clearly. Works the same when I'm studying. I guess it's just a Me thing...

Anyway, the past 20 songs I've heard are ( in random order) :

#np: Addicted - Stevie Hoang

#np: Beautiful Day - Ryan Huston

#np: If I cried a thousand tears - RJ Helton

#np:  I hate love - Claude Kelly

#np: Dear Old Nicki - Nicki Minaj

#np: It Girl - Jason Derulo

#np: Forever and Always - Parachute

#np: You Found me - The Fray

#np: Big Girls Don't cry - Fergie

#np: Six degrees of separation - The Script

#np: The story of us - Taylor Swift

#np: 22 - Taylor Swift (Wow, even my laptop loves her XD )

#np: Hey Pretty Girl - Kip Moore

#np: One step at a time - Jordin Sparks

#np: Heart Attack - Demi Lovato

#np: Hey Porsche - Nelly

#np: You're sensational - Frank Sinatra ( I actually hummed along this one... my fav oldies song~ )

#np: When I was your man - Bruno Mars

#np: Stronger - Kelly Clarkson

#np: Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men

Of course, there were a few more I've not mentioned, but 20's a good number, so I'll stop here :)

Oh right, I forgot to mention. Meet Ren from K-pop group Nu'est. He's my next fav! I was watching Nu'est's music video for their song Hello and I was in love with, not just the dance choreography, but him! He's got the face of an angel! Minus the eye make-up, he's got a pretty girly face! Haha! Can't believe he looks prettier than a girl O.O
Pfft~ Koreans and their looks... at this rate, every other country in the world's gonna get jealous XD

#np: Little Talks- Of Monsters and Men

My internal clock is all messed up. I've been sleeping at 5am and waking up at 5pm. Dinner time has become my breakfast and  have my Lunch+Dinner at around 2am in the morning.  I've spent the week leading a super relaxed lifestyle that comprises of an hour working out at the nearby park, visits to Thomson Plaza and long bonding sessions with my bed and handphone. I've been addicted to the SimsFreeplay as well recently XD

But starting next week, my schedule's gonna be a little bit busier, with frequent trips to the school gym and even more trips to the library to brush up on my Japanese. I intend to sleep during the Japanese lessons come April and just walk off with the cert. I mean, honestly, who would be able to survive 8 hours in school from 9 to 5 and then still be bright and bubbly for Jap class from 6 to 8? Not me, duh~ I'd prefer to simmer down during my evening, thank you very much~ 

Let's see, what else... oh right! I'm starting to get the hang of my macbook! It's becoming easier to handle now that I've been 'practising' on it for a week. It's pretty easy to use once you get a feel of it :)

And now: Pictures of the week~

Dad took the day off on Wednesday and took Grandma, Bro and I to the Orchard. While Grandma and Dad were busy grabbing soil for Grandma's new eggplant plantation, I uncovered a new marketing strategy set by the Orchard... Apparently, watering cans are the new flowers that people are going for...

One of Mum's colleagues has resigned and gave the company adorable cupcakes as a token of appreciation. Mum knows I love Cupcakes and so she brought these home for me! THANKS MUM!!!! XD 

It's tooo sweet to eat! But I did anyway XD

Apparently, I have successfully appealed to Totoro such that he is comfortable with me being around him. He was chilling on the couch next to me and didn't get startled like he normally would when I pet him. Good Job Lizzie!  Totoro's such a qt! It's a good thing that the March Holiday came. Bro spent a lot of time playing with him and he learnt how to carry Totoro correctly! Good Job Bro!!!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

#np:Danza kuduro- Don Omar

Just finished tidying up my room and everyone's taking a nap since the weather is ridiculously hot again (Except Mum, I think. She's probably watching some Korean Drama in her room with the AC turned on).  Gosh, I'm working a real sweat here! Anyway, yesterday was a great Friday. Woke up at 8 and got out of the house by 9 to meet up with Agnes, Priyanka and Kiwi in school. We went to the school gym (I think it's called Gymwerkz) and I realised how difficult it was to burn 100 calories :/  Gosh I had to cycle 5km just to burn all that off! Haha but during our workout, we met up with Lavenia and LZ. After gym, we went to Buddy Hoagies for lunch sine it was close to 1 and JH, Chloe and Rigel joined us for the meal. By then I was starving to death and all I could think about was WHERE'S THE MENU? Followed by WHERE'S THE WAITER? And then accompanied with LET ME ORDER FIRST! Finally ending with WHERE'S MY FOOD?! But I did get my Chicken Baked Rice pretty early and I literally ate like a wolf. By the time i was done, the plate looked so clean i don't think you even need to wash it! XD

I have no idea how we ended up doing this to Rigel but we were having a good laugh over it!

This was when I was on my way to school. Gosh, I just want to take the poster home with me XD

Earlier I bought 2 premiere tickets to Warm Bodies and I went out with Eth to catch it at Nex in the evening. It was sooo nice, with comfy chairs that stretch out fully and were so soft you literally sank into them, and thick blankets. Is this how Business class plane passengers are treated like too? Hahaha!

BUDDY HOAGIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome place with awesome atmosphere!

This fella is just chillin outside my window. He thinks I can't see him... tsk tsk~

I think I've got enough sweat to fill up a kiddy pool...Gross~ Anyway, Warm Bodies was a cute movie. I enjoyed the little comedic parts and the whole apocalyptic thing going on throughout the movie :) Oh the ending was sweet! Don't get me wrong, Nicholas Hoult is a hot Zombie, but he's even hotter as a human dressed in skinny jeans and wearing a checkered shirt. Gosh, no wonder the movie's so popular, he's the perfect boyfriend! XD Speaking of which, it seems as though everyone in school is obsessed with getting into BGRs at the moment. Man..... (#rollseyes) 

That's it. I need a cool shower.