Wednesday, January 23, 2013

#np: Lonely Boy-The Black Keys

So I decided to set up a blog simply because the laptop was on and I'm not tired. During the process of coming up with a blog address,  I figured it would be best for me to start  blog post proper by showcasing the photographs I captured during my first week of school.
But, well...
Here I am, technically messing up my first post with a boring, image-less post.
Yes,yes, you're permitted to yawn and leave this page and all.

So far, school's been great! There's so much going on each day and being with a group of awesome friends means that I don't have to feel introverted and awkward.Oh and I'm not joking on the awesome friends part. I mean, these people LITERALLY live up to that! Classes aren't draggy and sleep-inducing( well, I actually fell asleep during yoga class today but that's different). The teachers are pretty cool and it seems like my class is pretty darn close already!(Thumbs up for that!) After classes I'd hang out with Threesome( my DPA group) and we would have meals and chats together. Awesome times, happy days...

Ok, I'm just gonna go wrap myself up in my blanket and wriggle to bed. Apparently someone set the AC too low and I can't find the remote...

~Live Love Laugh~

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