Friday, May 31, 2013

#np: Remember - DizzlaDizzla

Ok, the whole vlogging idea totally didn't work out... I'm so glad Saturday's here. I'm just exhausted from the packed week. Started off with a trip to IMH on Monday, followed by 2 hours of CCA where people screamed and laughed hysterically when Black Swan was being screened(As usual, I was working on my project during CCA). Did a Japanese conversational test on Wednesday which went pretty smoothly I guess and took part in some interview for FMSC(Gosh, the interview was just WEIRD~~) and 6 hours of SpeechComm on Friday. But SpeechComm was surprisingly fun, so at least Friday didn't suck. Oh but Dad fell sick so I ended up cleaning my room and playing with the rabbits to past the time....

On Wednesday, Yonas and Charmiane joined my class for RadioProduction Class and we ended up spending the 3 hours goofing off and having fun taking lots of photos~

So with just one more week to go before Term Break....Imma keep ma head up HIGH and stay immune system can still last a week anyway. If I'm gonna break down, might as well do so during the break, I've been stressing out over my assignments. Wednesday was really awesome, at least I know that the week wasn't dull at all! XD

Friday, May 17, 2013

#np: Naked Night - Matsushita Yuya

It's been a while...
DPA NPP 2013 is officially over. Well, it was officially over on Wednesday. The school held a graduation ceremony for us and everyone received grad certs(Like, duh..) 

It truly was 2 short bittersweet hours. On the one hand, i was elated to know that the ceremony provided us an opportunity to meet up as a whole cohort once again. But on the other, this was also going to be (possibly) the very last time. Nevertheless, I did my best to cherish each minute and the warm feeling of being reunited with your beloved friends has definitely left its mark in my heart :)

Charmiane was part of the graduation ceremony committee. I got be a part of the video and was told to write one word to describe DPA. This was what I wrote.  Earlier on, I posted my reason on choosing this word on Facebook :
[The reason why I wrote 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' for the DPA video was simply because the word is literally used when you 'have nothing else to say'. DPA was truly an awesome experience that a single word can't describe what DPA IS... DPA is everything you can imagine. DPA is indescribable. So to me, DPA is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.}

Raphael is super musically talented! He performed on stage as the guitarist to Faris and Zac's vocals. Happy graduation and awesome G skills!

We've graduated! XD

Looks like only Faris was prepared for this shot...

Loving Nurul's expressions here. Her dress was simply adorable! It was a simple navy blue and white dress but the details at the ends of the dress was lovely! It looked wonderful on her :D

An almost perfect shot XP

Haha I remember Cal was being really upset about his hair and was asking whether anyone had hair gel or wax. Honestly, he looked perfectly fine to me :)

My turn to ruin the shot! :P

Thanks guys, for the 2 awesome months...

What would I do without you guys in NP? I'd probably be squatting in a corner drawing circles on the ground. FMS WE ARE DA BEST! #perfection

THREESOME!!!! This was taken on our very first day of DPA camp!

The trip to SNOW CITY!!! WAAAAAH! The memories are pouring in now! 

Best caption ever!!
#memories #singaporeflyertrip #ngeeannpoly #dpa #fms #threesome #awesome #friends #family #love

As one chapter ends, the next unfolds. 
I can't believe I'm crying now.
Humans are such emotional creatures.
We fear beginnings but we dread endings.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

#np: The Light Darren Ashley Remix- Darren Ashley

Seems like I haven't posted in quite a while... Happy Belated Labour Day btw...
A couple days ago, the School celebrated #RetroDay and pretty much all the freshies dressed up for the occasion(I'm not exactly sure why many year 2s and 3 s didn't...).  I borrowed one of Mum's old dresses. It was a beige dress with tiny brown polka dots and the dress was a little too long for me. It covered my knees so I looked a little short in it. But being the timid rat I am, I didn't dare to wear any heels for fear that I was fall 'fabulously' and tear my ankles apart. So...I ended up wearing an old pair of beige flats and ended up getting a blister on my left foot because of it(Way to go,genius -_-) 

So I met up with Celine, Vinice, Faris, Yonas and Nurul for breakfast as usual before heading for lecture. The lecturer was awesome. He came late for class and immediate he was like: 
"Ello. Retro day today. So colourful ah all of yall. Tomorrow's labour day right? Good. No school."
I almost died laughing. Thumbs up for having an awesome lecturer. XD

Yonas looked like some adult heading for work at the office. He came with an extra tie for Faris. But seems like tying a tie requires a little assistance...

I also almost died laughing over seeing the two of them trying to deal with the tie problem.It was either too short or too long...

Faris came with his own lunchbox! Talk about the oldies! XD

BTW, See that briefcase? Yonas brought it to school even though he didn't know how to unlock the padlock! But he somehow managed to after a little while... X..X<-- Died laughing AGAIN~

Priyangka looked awesome in her outfit! She cam with a box of cupcakes but I didn't take any cos I just had lunch and was so full. But I'm really regretting it now~

With Hard_khor! XD  Hope her interview went well! Mine was last week and it was hell for me cos I was coughing really bad that week...

Awwww.... XD

Nurul's outfit was so cute too! I loved the ribbon headband she wore!

With Faris! He's part of radioheatwave now and that's pretty cool! I tried signing up for that CCA but ended up skipping it because of, you guessed it, THE DAMN COUGH!!!

Before I left for Jap Class, I followed the guys to Faris' audition for the grad party.

But we ended up taking loads of selfless instead of supporting him.  -_-"'

And did everything else except support Faris during his audition. But we did try our very best to keep quiet when he starting singing! XD
Retro Day was fun I guess, but I have so many assignments to do now that I'm going mad...and sick again... SighPie~~~~~